What To Take To The Dealer


1st Trip

When your suppressor arrives at the FFL Dealer’s shop they will call you to come initiate the paperwork.

You will need to bring:

  • Your Driver’s License or other Government-Issued ID with your current residence address

  • 2 Passport Photos (dealer may supply these)

  • 2 Fingerprint Cards (dealer may supply these)

The paperwork you will complete is the
ATF Form 4 (click here to preview).

You will fill this form out in triplicate:

  • Mail 1st copy to the ATF with $200 payment (via check, money order, or credit card).

  • The 2nd copy is also mailed to the ATF and will be returned to you with the Tax Stamp when approved.

  • Mail 3rd copy to the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) in your county/town. The FFL Dealer will be able to help you determine who this is.

2nd Trip

After the Tax Stamp has been approved and arrives back at the FFL Dealer, they will call you again to come in and complete the 4473 transfer paperwork.

You will need to bring:

  • Your Driver’s License or other Government-Issued ID with your current residence address

The paperwork you will complete is the ATF 4473 (click here to preview).

This is the standard paperwork you fill out to transfer any firearm. The main difference today is that you won’t have to do another background check for transferring your suppressor because it was completed during the Tax Stamp approval (Form 4) process.